Saturday, June 14, 2008

Evelyn & Nathan - Engagement Session

This couple may look familiar, because they were actually KAIO Photography's first post that kick started our blog! They did end up taking my hint and got engaged! :)

To Nathan & Evelyn: You guys are so fun, we loved every minute of hanging out with you. You two have so much energy, especially Nathan with his kung-fu kicking and superman-like ability to push a shopping cart. Good thing he has you Evelyn to keep him in check! As a couple you guys have made us feel so welcomed with you and your families. Thanks for making the trip up from Calgary!

And yes, Nate and I got a little bored with our non-existent photo frames, so we designed new ones! Much better... :)


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Nathan and Evey you two look soooo good in these! I really like the last picture!

jon said...

hahha! flying shopping cart.. that's awesome!

Anonymous said...

WOw!! the pictures are so beautiful and unique, you guys. I'm jealous. Sarah, if i wasn't moving to Ottawa i would really have loved you to take a family pic for me. Great job with their pictures, Sarah.